Sunday, 10 November 2013

IIT Ropar to set up units to convert husk into oil

 The Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, will set up six Pyroformers that are invented by Aston University from UK, across the state. The Pyroformers convert paddy and wheat straw into bio oil, bio char and gas. Six months ago, farmers in Khwaspura village here were shown how to use the technology.
Professor Robert Berry, Executive Dean of Aston University, said the Pyroformers would be set up for a year before its mass use could be recommended.
The technology, in addition to opening new avenues of income for the farming community would help in protecting the environment, he said.
The unit pyrolyses husk and straw at around 375 degrees Celsius and produces bio char, bio oil and gas.
While bio oil and gas can be used to run pump sets at farms, bio char can be used for co-combustion in thermal power plants or as a fertiliser. “The response to the Pyroformer has been great so far,” Prof Berry said.
“Though one such unit will cost nearly Rs 30 lakh, the farmers can recover the cost within five years,” said project in charge Sudhakar Sagi, from Aston University.
The pyroformer
* Each unit pyrolyses husk and straw at around 375 degrees Celsius and produces bio char, bio oil and gas
* While bio oil and gas can be used to run pump sets at farms, bio char can be used for co-combustion in thermal power plants or as fertilisers
* Each unit will cost nearly Rs 30 lakh and the farmers are expected to recover the cost within five years
* The Pyroformers would be run across the state for over a year before their mass use is recommended 


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